Saturday, 17 August 2013

New York Day 4

This morning it was pretty quiet in Times Square so decided to do some shopping so it wasn't such a fight to get anywhere; we dropped this back to the hotel before heading off to have a look at Grand Central Station.

On the way to Grand Central we stumbled upon a street market on 6th Ave, this stretched from 42nd Street right through to 59th Street (17 blocks) up at Central Park, you could pick up knock off bags and sunglasses, cheap watches, clothes, cell phone covers etc. etc. we had a good look, bought nothing and carried on to Central Station. Grand Central is right in the middle of Park Ave as is another building in front of it (a hotel I think) so cars drive around it and then through archways in the other building to carry on.

Jude and I caught a shuttle train over to 42nd Street and then transferred to another one to take us to 14th Street so that we could walk the High Line. On the way to the HL we came across Chelsea Markets so had a look and some lunch. The HL was great and very good use of a disused freight rail line. This area used to be called the Meat Packing Area and the lines were used to easily get the meat to the areas where it was stored and sold, now it is a walkway frequented by 10's of thousands of people each year.

When walking back to Times Square we decided to take the train to Coney Island. The good things about the Subway is that no matter where you want to go it only cost about $2.50; out to Coney Island and back cost us $10.00, the ride takes about an hour. Coney Island was great. The station is just about on the beach so it wasn't far to walk. The beach was golden sand and packed. We found Luna Park and all the rides, sand sculptures, kites, cruise liners, tugs and barges. We had dinner at the beach then got back on the train and headed for the hotel.

Back at Times Square it was again a fight to get back to the hotel but after finding a couple of pictures we managed it.

Tomorrow we are being picked up at 1000hrs for our ride out to JFK for the start of our long flight home. This is the last blog entry so I hope you have all enjoyed it as I have writing it to share our experiences with you - see some of you soon.

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